Last Friday, we celebrated my Dad's retirement and it was so perfect! We had such a great time. Happy Retirement Daddy...thank you for working so hard to provide for us all these are AMAZING and I love you!!! Below are some pictures from the celebration: ~ The Whole Clan~
Monday, October 20, 2008
Happy Retirement Daddy!
Posted by Laci at 2:34 PM 4 comments
Monday, October 13, 2008
My Handsome Hubby....
Well, I just cropped out this face shot of my honey and just had to do the world a favor and post it! Wow, I am a blessed woman...indeed! Thank you Lord for an amazing (and beautiful) husband!!!
The title of this photo is: GOR-GEE-OUS!!!
Posted by Laci at 10:08 AM 1 comments
Photos from a weekend of traveling...
This weekend we traveled to Northern Louisiana for a service on Sunday morning. It was a super quick trip because Ryan had to be back for a meeting in Beaumont this morning. So we left Saturday morning and got back Sunday night. We were all very ready to get out of the car. It took us 7 1/2 hours to get 15 hours roundtrip in a matter of 2 days is plenty enough to make 2 adults go stir crazy...and for sure enough to make 2 kiddos just plain crazy ;) (just kidding...kind of)!!! Here are a few pics from the weekend (I think some setting was off on my camera b/c most of them came out fuzzy, but they're still sweet!)
The first four pics are at Mickey D's! We go there WAY more often than we want to while we're itinerating. The only reason we go there is if they have a playland, so that Lynzi can burn some energy...which is much needed after being strapped in her seat for hours! So, as you can see in the fourth picture...we're really tight with Ronald these days! :)
The next three pics are at the church playground on Saturday night. We stayed in a hotel right across the street from the church where our service was on Sunday, so we walked across and burnt some more energy playing!
Oh, and another Asher update...he waves when he sees us now and he's started using some of his sign language also. We've been using signs for: eat, more, and all done. He's occasionally started using more and all's cute. I'll try to get pics of all of that soon!
Posted by Laci at 9:24 AM 3 comments
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Asher Update...
He started crawling about a month ago and he's EVERYWHERE! It's created a challenge when we're traveling (which we're ALWAYS doing) because he wants more than anything to crawl at the hotel...but the hotel floor, YUCK! So, needless to say...when I give in and let him crawl in the hotel room...he has some knees that are a nice shade of...dirt!!! Oh well, I guess that's what a good bath is for ;)! Then when we're home, our floors are all tile and the big area rug that we have is a berber/tweed type rug...kind of rough. Because of this, I don't think he'll be a conventional crawler. He does this scoot/pull thing. However, it doesn't slow him down any! This boy can get from one end of our house to the other in like 5 seconds exaggeration! Our new rule is to close a door when you come out of it because his favorite place to dart to when he finds an open door is in each of the bathrooms...that little cap under the toilet. He LOVES to get to that and pull it off and play with it. Even when I take them off...he still is very intrigued by that screw thing that sticks up. It's so gross, but it does keep me VERY motivated to make sure that it's spotless clean under there everyday...for when he does find an open door and slip past us!
And he’s been pulling up to standing for a couple of weeks now too (on everything)!!! Our house is so not conducive for that…the tile floor + his falling backwards from standing position, while holding on to our dining room chairs = one big loud thud, followed by a piercing scream (by all of us!!!) It's awful.
He’s also our little human vacuum cleaner…goes around inspecting my floor and picks up any little thing he finds and inspects it with his hands. For a while and he hadn’t been putting anything in his mouth. Maybe b/c I get to him too fast, I don’t know…that is, until this morning! He started hacking and drooling and gagging and I was patting his back like crazy…thinking he swallowed something. Then I stuck my finger around the roof of his mouth and this little plastic, tape-like piece of something was stuck to the roof of his mouth! Thank the Lord he didn’t swallow it!!! Just one more incentive to keep my house clean ;)!!!
He LOVES his big sister so much and cracks up at anything she says or does. She's so sweet with him and they entertain each other well!
Well, that's the Asher update for now. Here are some pics of my sweet boy!
~My Handsome Boy~
P.S. I tried to post a video of him pulling up on the luggage cart in the hotel room, but it wouldn't let I'll try again later.
Posted by Laci at 7:59 AM 4 comments